Community Sponsorship
Fund Guidelines and Application
MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation Community Sponsorship Fund Guidelines
Established in 2017, with the commencement of MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation (MPO), our Community Sponsorship Fund provides grants to eligible charities across our local community. Since 2017 our fund has supported more than 200 organisations with funding support for projects delivering benefits to our local communities in the areas of health and wellbeing, sporting, community, non-for-profit organisations, and education.
MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation (MPO) supports initiatives which benefit the community in areas such as education, sporting, charities, the arts and community-based projects and events.
Sponsorship opportunities are for those which take place in the following Local Government Areas: Muswellbrook, Upper Hunter and Singleton.

Criteria which should be met could include some or all of the following:
Involve MACH Energy, Thiess or Sedgman employee/s either directly in the operation to which they give their time and/or through an advocacy role.
The MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation Community Sponsorship Fund supports groups rather than individuals.
Respond to a need in local communities.
Assist the community at large rather than an interest group.
Has not been supported by MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation in the current calendar year.
Sponsorship approval process
Sponsorship submissions must include a completed MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation Community Sponsorship Fund Application Form.
- Supporting documents can be attached to the form.
- MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation has a fixed annual sponsorship budget.
- Your application will be considered at the next scheduled meeting.
- All sponsorship applications are assessed against the evaluation criteria and the sponsorship priority areas.
- Timing for an application response depends on when the written application is received and when the next scheduled Sponsorship Committee meeting is held.
- Applicants will be notified in writing and/or email as to whether their application has been successful.
- Sponsorship applications must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the event or activity commencing.
- Completed applications can be submitted by email to or print and post to Sponsorship Committee MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation PO Box 351 Muswellbrook 2333.
- When your sponsorship application has been approved and funds allocated, you will be asked to submit a progress report of how the sponsorship impacted your organisation. The progress report can be in the form of an email, document, or photos. Photos of the event or sponsorship outcomes are highly valuable.
The 2025 cut off dates are outlined below
- Quarter 1: March 1st
- Quarter 2: June 1st
- Quarter 3: September 1st
- Quarter 4: December 1st
- MPO does not provide sponsorship to any organisations or businesses with political affiliations.
- If you would like to recognise MPO for the sponsorship, we have logo/branding style guides which must be adhered to.