Community Hotline 1800 886 889

Blasting Hotline: 1800 931 872
General Enquiries: 1800 931 873

Blasting Hotline: 1800 931 872
General Enquiries: 1800 931 873

Key Results & Documents

Key Results and Documents

MACH Energy commenced the Mount Pleasant Optimisation Project under the Development Consent SSD 10418 on 12 February 2024.  This Project allows for ongoing mining and employment opportunities at the Mount Pleasant Operation until 2048.

Further secondary approvals are required prior to an increase in production above 10.5 million tonnes of run-of-mine coal per annum.

Activities at Mount Pleasant Operation are currently occurring in accordance with both Development Consents SSD 10418 and DA 92/97, as well as other statutory approvals.

The following approved Plans, Strategies and Reports have been prepared for the Mount Pleasant Operation and offset lands it manages. These documents outline procedures that will be implemented to manage the environment and mitigate any potential environmental impacts that are likely to arise following the commencement of works.

Approval of these documents have been provided by the State and Commonwealth regulators (where applicable) in accordance with consents required to operate a mine to the best practice standard that MACH Energy endorses.

You will also find meeting minutes, public notifications and a community register below for your interest.

Monthly Environmental Monitoring Reports

MPO_Monthly_Environmental_Monitoring_Report_April_2024 Consolidated

MPO_Monthly_Environmental_Monitoring_Report_March_2024 Consolidated

MPO_Monthly_Environmental_Monitoring_Report_February_2024 Consolidated

MPO_Monthly_Environmental_Monitoring_Report_January_2024 Consolidated

MPO_Monthly_Environmental_Monitoring_Report_December_2023 Consolidated




















































MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report August 2019

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report July 2019

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report June 2019

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report May 2019

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report April 2019

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report March 2019

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report February 2019

MPO_Environmental Monitoring Report January 2019

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report December 2018

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report November 2018

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report October 2018

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report September 2018

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report August 2018

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report July 2018

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report June 2018

MPO_Monthly Environmental Monitoring Report May 2018




Mount Pleasant Operation Environmental Impact Statement

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Executive Summary

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Table of Contents

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Introduction

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Description of Approved Operation

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Project Description

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Strategic Context

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Engagement

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Environmental Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Evaluation and Conclusion

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - References

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Abbreviations, Acronyms and Glossary

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - SEARs

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Cross Reference of EPBC Act Requirements

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - DA Area and Real Property

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Land Ownership and Landholder Key

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Peer Review Letters

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Strategic Planning Statements and Policies

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Relevant Planning Instruments and Legislation

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Rehabilitation and Mine Closure Addendum

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Summary of Mitigation Measures

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - CIV Estimate Report

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Consent under Section 380Aa of the Mining Act

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - JORC Summary

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Geotechnical Considerations

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Copy of Public Notice

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix A Noise and Blasting Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix B Air Quality Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix C Groundwater Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix D Surface Water Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix E Biodiversity Development Assessment Report

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix F Aquatic Ecology Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix G Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix H Historical Heritage Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix I Agricultural and Land Resources Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix J Road transport Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix K Geochemistry Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix L Land Contamination Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix M Visual and Landscape Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix N Social Impact Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix O Economic Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix P Environmental Risk Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix Q Preliminary Hazard Analysis

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix R Human Health Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Appendix S Greenhouse Gas Assessment

2021 Mount Pleasant Operation Optimisation Project EIS - Cover Letter and EIS Form

2021 Peer Review Rehabilitation and Mine Closure - MACH Response

2021 Additional Information on Request to the Department - Air Quality Impact Assessment MACH Response

2021 Additional Information on Request from the Department - Numerous Matters MACH Response

2021 Residual Response to Submissions MACH Response

2022 Peer Review - Air Quality Impact Assessment MACH Response

2021 Additional Information on Request to the Department - Dragline MACH Response

2022 Additional Information to the IPC - Climate Change Redacted

2022 MACH Response to the Department Water - Potentially Acid Forming Materials

2022 MACH Response to the Department - Greenhouse Gas Emissions

2022 Additional Information to the IPC - Questions on Notice Q1 Redacted

2022 Additional Information to the IPC - Questions on Notice Q2 Q3 Redacted

2022 Additional Information to the IPC - Additional Questions Redacted

2022 Additional Information on Request to the Department – Minor Amendment to the Development Application Area

2022 Additional Information to the IPC - Coal Market Substitution Study

2022 Additional Information to the IPC - Coexistence with Thoroughbred Industry

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Summary

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 1a Main Report

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 1b Main Report

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 2a Figures

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 2b Figures

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 3a Supplementary Reports

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 3b Supplementary Reports

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 4a Supplementary Reports

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 4b Supplementary Reports

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 4c Supplementary Reports

1997 Mount Pleasant EIS – Volume 4d Supplementary Reports

1998 Commission of Enquiry – Primary Submission

1998 Commission of Enquiry – Submission in Reply

Management Plans and Reporting

Community and Employee Newsletter April 2024

Mount Pleasant Operation Rehabilitation Cost Estimate 2024

Mount Pleasant Operation Annual Rehabilitation Report 2023

Mount Pleasant Operation Forward Program 2024 - 2026 Consolidated with Maps

Annual Dams Safety Standards Report 2023 MWD

Annual Dams Safety Standards Report 2023 FEA

Annual Dams Safety Standards Report 2023 ED3

Mount Pleasant Operation - Rehabilitation Strategy (Version 3)

Mount Pleasant Operation - Visual Impact Management Plan (Version 3)

Mount Pleasant Operation - Environmental Management Strategy

Coal Transport Records 2023

Community and Employee Newsletter December 2023

Community and Employee Newsletter September 2023

Community and Employee Newsletter June 2023

Community and Employee Newsletter March 2023

Mount Pleasant Operation - 2022 Annual Review & Rehabilitation Report

Mount Pleasant Operation Independent Environment Audit May 2023

Mount Pleasant Operation - Rehabilitation Management Plan




Mount Pleasant Operation Pollution Incident Response Plan FINAL

Coal Transport Records 2022

Employee and Community Newsletter December 2022

Mount Pleasant Operation - Water Management Plan

Employee and Community Newsletter September 2022

Mount Pleasant Operation Forward Program 2022 - 2025

Mount Pleasant Operation - 2021 Annual Review & Rehabilitation Report FINAL

Community and Employee Newsletter June 2022

Community and Employee Newsletter March 2022

Annual-Dams-Safety-Standards-Report-2021 MWD FINAL

Annual-Dams-Safety-Standards-Report-2021 FEA FINAL

Annual-Dams-Safety-Standards-Report-2021 ED3 FINAL

Employee and Community Newsletter December 2021

Coal Transport Records 2021

Mount Pleasant Operation – Noise Management Plan

Mount Pleasant Operation – 2020 Annual Review & Rehabilitation Report

Mount Pleasant Operation – Out of Hours Work Protocol (Final) March 2021

Coal Transport Records 2020

DSNSW Compliance Summary Letter

Employee and Community Newsletter December 2020

Employee and Community Newsletter May 2020

Mount Pleasant Operation Independent Environment Audit June 2020

Mount Pleasant Operation – Redacted Construction Environmental Management Plan (MOD 4)

Employee and Community Newsletter December 2019

Employee and Community Newsletter May 2019

Coal Transport Records 2019

Notice to Commence 24hr 7day Operation September 2018

Development Progress at Mount Pleasant Operation 27 August 2018

Employee and Community Newsletter December 2018

Employee and Community Newsletter August 2018

Mount Pleasant Operation – Biodiversity Management Plan



Mount-Pleasant-Operation-Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan

Mount Pleasant Operation – Blast Management Plan

Mount-Pleasant-Operation-Waste Management Plan





Mount Pleasant Operation – Aboriginal Heritage Management Plan

Mount Pleasant Operation Independent Compliance Audit March 2014

Mount Pleasant Operation – Independent Environmental Audit (10.07.18)

Environment Protection Licence No 20850


Community Complaint Register May 2024

Community Complaint Register April 2024

Community Complaint Register March 2024

Community Complaint Register February 2024

Community Complaint Register January 2024

2023 YTD Community Complaints

Community Complaint Register December 2023

Community Complaint Register November 2023

Community Complaint Register October 2023

Community Complaint Register September 2023

Community Complaint Register August 2023

Community Complaint Register July 2023

Community Complaint Register June 2023

Community Complaint Register May 2023

Community Complaint Register April 2023

Community Complaint Register March 2023

Community Complaint Register February 2023

Community Complaint Register January 2023

2022 YTD Community Complaints

Community Complaint Register December 2022

Community Complaint Register November 2022

Community Complaint Register October 2022

Community Complaint Register September 2022

Community Complaint Register August 2022

Community Complaint Register July 2022

Community Complaint Register June 2022

Community Complaint Register May 2022

Community Complaint Register Apr 2022

Community Complaint Register Mar 2022

Community Complaint Register Feb 2022

Community Complaint Register Jan 2022

2021 YTD Community Complaints

Community Complaint Register Dec 2021

Community Complaint Register Nov 2021

Community Complaint Register Oct 2021

Community Complaint Register Sept 2021

Community Complaint Register Aug 2021

Community Complaint Register July 2021

Community Complaint Register June 2021

Community Complaint Register May 2021

Community Complaint Register April 2021

Community Complaint Register March 2021

Community Complaint Register February 2021

Community Complaint Register January 2021

2020 YTD Community Complaints

Environment – Weed Management Fact Sheet 2020

Environment – Water Management Fact Sheet 2020

Community Complaint Register December 2020

Community Complaint Register November 2020

Community Complaint Register October 2020

Community Complaint Register September 2020

Community Complaint Register August 2020

Community Complaint Register July 2020

Community Complaint Register June 2020

Community Complaint Register May 2020

Community Complaint Register April 2020

Community Complaint Register March 2020

Community Complaint Register February 2020

Community Complaint Register January 2020

2019 YTD Community Complaints

Community Complaint Register December 2019

Community Complaint Register November 2019

Community Complaint Register October 2019

Community Complaint Register September 2019

Community Complaint Register August 2019

Community Complaint Register July 2019

Community Complaint Register June 2019

Community Complaint Register May 2019

Community Complaint Register April 2019

Community Complaint Register March 2019

Community Complaint Register February 2019

Community Complaint Register January 2019

2018 YTD Complaints Register

Community Complaint Register December 2018

Community Complaint Register November 2018

Community Complaint Register October 2018

Community Complaint Register September 2018

Community Complaint Register August 2018

Community Complaint Register July 2018

Community Complaint Register June 2018

Community Complaint Register May 2018

Community Complaint Register April 2018

Community Complaint Register March 2018

Community Complaint Register February 2018

YTD Complaints Register 2017